Thursday, June 15, 2006

Kid Number Three Joins the Family!

i know you are thinking..."but you just had number two!" and i guess i should clarify. my sister (the newly college graduated Amelia and good looking girl holding our new doll faced baby in that pic) has come to join our family for the summer while she aclimates to the Boise area and her first venture into the 9-5 job world. or as her job seems to be, the 9 till whenever they send your salaried ass home! heeheehee. i will try not to laugh at her too much. the salary world can be cruel and unforgiving, but as i sit typing away and enjoying being paid my salary for 7 minutes of work this week i will say i love salary! LOVE IT!! thank you ZEC and Zachy! (thats my boss for those of you not farmilliar with my work and its woes)

we have been having a dilema here at our casa though regarding the present for our before mentioned graduate and as of last night we came to the conclusion that a good sized monetary gift and a fair helping of groceries and free rent (and the guidance of me as a sister all summer free of charge) will hopefully be a sufficent gift. we had toyed with the idea of a sentimental gift, something she can always have to remember us and her completing the largest goal she has had thus far. then i remembered when i graduated college we really enjoyed cash, cash, cash...because we were POOR POOR POOR! so we have opted for a sentimental cash envelope. damn me for not doing both, who do i look like? a Rockafeller? shit!


At 6/15/2006 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are hilarious.

love you.


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