Strangely Enough...
Things are looking up at this here office...(and now that i had the audacity to say that out loud i am sure i am being fired as we speak) its been a strange turning of events that have led us here to this jucture, but i must say as i sit here pondering my prupose at said office i am feeling a bit better about the shade of gray things have taken. what i thought was going to morally bankrupt the company has actually worked us all into a frenzy of actually accomplishing things...well except for me who still stares blankly at my computer surfing the net all day. (god if only i were joking) there has been a buzz in the office that can only be brought on by the onset of spring and/or the firing/quiting of a trusted high ranking official. maybe a combo if both has us all up in arms trying to actually do our jobs before "fire me phil" gets his cold clammy hands of death on us. who knows! i dont care...i am about to embark on my final 9 days of work and i am feeling so peppy (hormone induced i am sure) i might go buy mochas for my fellow corporate slaves. yup...things are looking up...did i mention i only have 9 days left until i am released into the wild world of free time? 9 days folks...i can taste fresh air already, and pajamas and the post office on a weekday morning! it gives me tingles just thinking about it...
whoot whoot for work not sucking quite so much! you may only have 9 more days of work, but since it'll be another 22 days until i'm home you better not being having the child yet.
i will do my best to not have the kid quite yet...i cant make any gauruntees tho. :) love you sister.
hey about graduation...would you rather have cold hard cash than a gift? seriously...i want to give you something you can use and cash seems like the answer.'s up to you what you want to give me for graduation.
thats not what i asked asshole...i want you to tell me what you would rather have...i am no mind reader and dont care to be on this issue!
whatever. i would say either something i would use/like a lot or cashola.
ok captain random...i will try and find the perfect gift/cashola...assjack! :)
almost done cliff...i can taste it i am sooo close to freedom!
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