Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Artist Formerly Known as Chelsea

i have officially lost my edge. i am under the impression that i used to (USED TO) be a ather entertaining gal. a fun person to ba around. a good time all around. witty. charming. (ok maybe most of those i said about myself, but cut me some slack!) and i realized its finally happened...add one new baby to my life and it happened. i have lost my edge. its gone. i no longer have a sharp wit about anything! my poor sleep deprived mind is only consumed with diapers and boobs (the feeding kind sicko) and not sleeping. so you can officially check back in with me sonetime in the distant future when i rein back in the fragments of what used to be my stunning personality and add some sleep and WALLAH i will be back to the old Chels.


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