Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ranting...Just a Little

i fear i must rant a tad this morn because i feel like it...not because i am particularly aggrevated or annoyed even...just being me. i gotta be me man. so its the late hour of 8 am here at 'Casa De La NO Sleep'. and i am the only person walking these hallowed halls. except the babe who seems to be content until i lay down for a mid-morning snooze. then his built in Mommy Sleep Sensor starts buzzing in his ear and he starts crying enough to wake me but not anyone else in the house. its an odd built in mechanism i must say. i have one that entails not waking anyone with my own crying! that goes quietly into my pillow. (cue the sad heart wrenching music) so me and Prince Porter have been up partying for most of the night, except for a few short naps that ended at 5:40. yet somehow i really am feeling good. i do have a horrifying urge to stomp up and down the halls banging on the walls until the family is all assembled in the living room to see if its an earthquake that has knocked all the pictures off the walls or just a sleepy mama chels. however i realize that is silly and i continue to type instead of calling the h0me phone repeatedly from my cell and turning the home ringer onto high and letting it do the waking for me. then i remember that sister Amelia and Master Michael are both a little grumpy if woken intentionally and i decide the quiet house is fine. so i will continue to type, drink my 96th mug of coffee (could be why damn baby isnt sleeping huh) and relax until someone wakes so i can carry on a conversation with someone who speaks 'adult'. and while we are ranting a pants are still far from fitting. there...its all out of my system.

did anyone notince the spam that wound up in the comment section of my last blog? what the fuck is that all about. stay out of my blog spam! get your own blog. mine is for my garbage, not yours!

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Night Among Adults

who had her first night out after a long hiadis from my adoring public? THIS GIRL! it was fantastic, sore boobs aside, and i was thrilled to be out among adults! ADULTS! no one needed a clean set of pants, or a diaper change from me, well a couple did but that wasnt really my business! at first i was apprehensive to go strutting my chubby waist and not so steel like buns...but you add a couple gin and tonics and you'd think i was back in fighting shape! YYYEEEHHHAAAHHH baby, god bless a little boose to boost the ego! it was so nice to see my friends at the ole pub that i hadnt seen in like 10 months. unfortunatly most were still sitting on their stools where they were when i last left, but thats a seperate issue. we saw a great concert, drank a tad too much and took a cab home where we ate a corn dog and hit the sack. Yup my friends, i think we had the perfect anniversary! the perfect re-release into the world for the Chelster. I...AM....BACK!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Artist Formerly Known as Chelsea

i have officially lost my edge. i am under the impression that i used to (USED TO) be a ather entertaining gal. a fun person to ba around. a good time all around. witty. charming. (ok maybe most of those i said about myself, but cut me some slack!) and i realized its finally happened...add one new baby to my life and it happened. i have lost my edge. its gone. i no longer have a sharp wit about anything! my poor sleep deprived mind is only consumed with diapers and boobs (the feeding kind sicko) and not sleeping. so you can officially check back in with me sonetime in the distant future when i rein back in the fragments of what used to be my stunning personality and add some sleep and WALLAH i will be back to the old Chels.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Kid Number Three Joins the Family!

i know you are thinking..."but you just had number two!" and i guess i should clarify. my sister (the newly college graduated Amelia and good looking girl holding our new doll faced baby in that pic) has come to join our family for the summer while she aclimates to the Boise area and her first venture into the 9-5 job world. or as her job seems to be, the 9 till whenever they send your salaried ass home! heeheehee. i will try not to laugh at her too much. the salary world can be cruel and unforgiving, but as i sit typing away and enjoying being paid my salary for 7 minutes of work this week i will say i love salary! LOVE IT!! thank you ZEC and Zachy! (thats my boss for those of you not farmilliar with my work and its woes)

we have been having a dilema here at our casa though regarding the present for our before mentioned graduate and as of last night we came to the conclusion that a good sized monetary gift and a fair helping of groceries and free rent (and the guidance of me as a sister all summer free of charge) will hopefully be a sufficent gift. we had toyed with the idea of a sentimental gift, something she can always have to remember us and her completing the largest goal she has had thus far. then i remembered when i graduated college we really enjoyed cash, cash, cash...because we were POOR POOR POOR! so we have opted for a sentimental cash envelope. damn me for not doing both, who do i look like? a Rockafeller? shit!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Newest Kid at Fat Camp!

Who has two thumbs and 20 pounds to lose? This Girl! i am far to closely resembling the child in the picture at my left...not that the kid isnt adorable! but that look is far less attractive in a 28 year old woman people! i have been enjoying the pregnancy thing to the fullest and maybe i took in a couple more burgers than i shouldve, dont judge me! so i guess i am back on the wagon...the no fatty delicious food wagon...the hopefully i can wear normal pants again wagon...the hopefully my ass goes back to its natural state wagon! so wish me luck floks...i start fat camp today at 1 o'clock. well not really fat camp, but thats what i have dubbed weight watchers! or the subtle ww...pronounced dub dub for those of you that dont speak my jarbled tongue! well here i come skinny out.