Thursday, February 16, 2006

This is For you Amelia BreeAnne

So its been pointed out by my younger sister that she has received no input from me in over a week and all i have to say is that she obviously didnt read my prior post saying i was turning over a new more pessemistic takes on my shambles of a life! : ) NO MORE!

then it accured to me as i read her smartmoutheed comment that if i were to refuse to comment if it werent positive i would'nt have a fucking thing to say! the best way i look at my life is sarcastic and cynical as sad as that sounds! a very wise lezbian once told me if you cant laugh at yourself you'll cry your eyes out...well actually it was something she said on her cd. but if its just me and my cd player i figure technically she's talkin to me right? i digress.

the pity is i really do enjoy my life, i also know my life is laughable to many due to my constant poooooor decision making skills and nuerotic take on things! :) its hereditary back off. dont judge me! so I AM BACK! HERE GOES:

OK, i am starting off with my current state of unrest with our wonderful country. not because i am politically unsatisfied(actually i am but it is neither here nor there at this point) its because on tuesday i opened the news to read the following as the headlines... "Dick Chaney shoots Hunting Partner and tries to cover up" well no shit, if you were like 100 years old, far too old to be doing anything especially holding a fucking rifle and pointing it at things, wouldnt you be a little embarassed to accidentally shoot someone in the face! IN THE FACE!!! how does that happen? but thats not the to it on the front news page..."Is Britney a bad parent?" are you fucking kidding me? thats what we want the world to know about us? thats our level of importance? Chaney and Brit sharing the front page huh? is Canada still accepting defectors or have they wised up and closed there borders to Americans all together yet? Stick a fork in America becasue if this is seriously where our proirities lie then we are done folks, DONE.

and i think bringing baby number two into this world is solid good idea? hubby (who returns in 5 days from extended vacation) and i should've one more research on this baby number 2 thing! i am crazy! i barely like the one we already have! ( i mean i love him dearly, but come on folks, he has it out for me and my sanity i know it) and we think we are going to wrestle 2 kids now? LUNACY! plain old fashioned lunacy. they are going to find me huddled in a corner somewhere with both kids velcro strapped to my sides mumbling and foaming at the mouth and softly rocking back and forth. help me someone...please....


At 2/16/2006 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're back big sis. I mean after all....bringing joy into the lives of others with your blogs has to count for some positive points, right?!


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