Thursday, March 09, 2006

Vicious Retaliation!

so come to me on the eve of my financial demise and you mock? you poke the bear? well miss amelia to her fans...must i remind the sister whose comments on my last post were accusatory and completely false...i was merely stating the current situation i am in! and good point on the fetal fotos. tu che'. however, i believe my entry was pointing to exactly that! i live far beyond my means when i dont need to! i can afford to live, just not to the level i have become accustomed! : ) so little miss hector projector, might i remind you oh yee of little money, you are going on a week long trip to New Orleans next week! and let me re-cap when your last trip to New Orleans was...hmmm....FAT TUESDAY RING A BELL?? less than 2 weeks ago!! for a poor starving college student you sure take a lot of vacations sister. so stick that in your pipe and smoke it sis. and by the way, i was not fishing for hand outs from mom and dad, i leave that to you! heeheeheehee (cue maniacle laughter) oh yes, that last one felt good, real good!

(i am replying to my sassy sisters comments on my last entry in case you folks think i have completely lost my mind and am arguing with the voices in my head. )


At 3/10/2006 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love your guts. and you know you love mine too.


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