Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Renderings Drive Designer to Kill Boss...Film at Eleven.

have you ever had a project that really excited you at first ? then in the blink of an eye it took all you found dear and true and smashed it into little microscopic peices that you hated? Hated!! well that is the story of renderings and me. for those of you unschooled in the term rendering its an artistic representation used to show peeps how a home could perceptually look when it is complete, or made of stone, or stucco...etc...etc. boring stuff right? well not if you are a gal who is way more interested in the way a home looks aestetically than it actually standing up! (please dont tell my boss i said that) and so for a gal who also loves to draw and paint a rendering kicks ass. it means i spend my days drawing homes by hand and sketching and coloring...sound like kindegarden? well screw off its hard, but until today i found it enjoyable. but a wise man once told me..."never make your hobby your job." and you know what? he was right. today i do not find a hint of joy in it...not one. and if i see another watercolor pen, or my damn sketch pad i will scream and run as fast as i can from the building. (well as fast as i can on a krutch) i know i will be back to a love-love relationship with my job tommorow, but as for today folks...its hate-hate. wish me luck.

and the kicker...i thought it was thursday all day today! i totally thought tommorow was friday! what a holy let down.


At 3/30/2006 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...what I can say is that your renderings are BEAUTIFUL!!! It would be a shame to let that talent go to waste and not use it... maybe it's just time to step back for a bit...(if that's even a possibility.)
You do wonderfully creative work, though, I hope you realize!!!
Some of us are only able to draw stick people and six sided houses!!
With one window in the top!!!
And when it gets you down, back away for awhile...
I love you, sweety....


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