Friday, January 13, 2006

I feel like a sausage in my clothes...

i not to be one to dwell on the small, menial things in life.

ok, thats not true at all. i obsess over things that are totally out of my control...i specialize in it. it's a gift i tell ya. i truly must believe if i make myself crazy thinking about something it will set off some kind of chemical reaction somewhere in this huge universe and send a change rippling thru in my direction...
if that werent true why would i spend 8 or 9 hours thinking about one particular would mean i am crazy, and i can assure you sir, i am no loon...

however, take my newest hurdle i am trying to over involves my ever expanding wasteline... (and ass line, and arm line, and so on and so forth) now believe me, i am an educated woman in the matters of pregnanacy weight gain...being an expert due to my first child and gaining a petite 60 or so pounds with him...(and thats pry a pretty low estimate..sheesh) but i thought i would do a great job this time of keeping the crazy fat attacks at bay...eating right, excersise, and all those other bullshit catch phrases you hear as a chubby gal that gets pregnant...well F-that my friends. apparently i am doomed in the baby fat department...i am doomed to be a chunky monkey and (excuse me while i ride this pitty train to its final destination) be miserable for the next 4 months. forgive me for how superficial i know i sound...but it kills me. i tried on pants with my darling mother last night before we caught an evening showing of Rent (my first time, her 112th) and i swear to god above i looked like a portly little suasage. held in only by the unbelievably strong fabric that was wrapping my legs tightly! in unprego days i am a baggyish comfy jeans and cords kinda gal...its just how i roll, well good luck finding a moderatly attractive pair of baggy cords for a porty little sausage!!! apparently its an uncornered market so maybe i will scrap my career and go into business making sausage style comfy pants that DONT look like a moo-moo with a fuckin crotch sewn in....sorry about hat. i feel better now!

i realize at this point in my pregnancy i am still doing average on fatty pants weight gain...12 pounds and 20 weeks, not to bad...but i assure you people...i am ONE tater tot away from sending my size 12 fanny spiraling into an unstopppable size 82! one mocha away from disaster folks...mark my words...

i apologize this entry was filled with no bright side, no wit and no charm, its hard to find my sunshine on sausage friday...i will be better after this second mocha... : )


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